Friday, November 12, 2010

Bride of Frankenstein. O:

~Chapter 17-18~
I managed to leave the inn and arrive back at the house right before Victor arrived. He came back and talked to me about postponing the wedding between him and Elizabeth for a while. He wants to take a tour of London or some stupid thing like that. I think it has to do with the last thing I  heard the creature ask of him. He asked Victor to make another one like him, a companion. A mate. The creature promises that after Victor makes him a companion, he will leave humanity alone. I could see right away the turmoil in Victors eyes as he debated this proposal. Actually, the creature threatened to cause more grief on humanity if he doesn't do it. In the end, Victor agreed. This is when he came home and and asked to postpone the wedding. I had already promised Elizabeth that I would convince Victor of marrying her right away. It seems as if I have failed. Well, right now, I guess this is what is best for both of them. I just hope Victor takes this time to relax and not work on the creatures mate. We couldn't stand it if Victor was absent from us yet again after so little time with him. We will just have to wait and see. :/


julieth udozorh said...

I don't really know if you are supposed to talk about facts that your character knows nothing about. Maybe next time you should talk about how things appear through your character's eyes and not about something that he doesn't know about. For example, talk about how victor looks to you and other things like that.

Yoli Ja-ne'e said...

I think you did good with the fact because Mrs. Tillery said that even though your character may not be there for a few chapters, they still know what's going on. However, when I read this, it felt more like you were just giving me facts instead of being your character. Next time, really put yourself in his shoes and connect with him. What does he feel? What does he think? What's his opinion of everything?

good job over all though!