~Chapter 23~
The wedding day has come and gone. It was the most divine happening. My heart is merry and full of joy. I am looking forward to all the grandchildren my son will give me. I must insist on their first girl to be named Caroline. They can name their first boy William, or maybe even Henry. :) I can't wait!
Alas! I look back at my above post. I wish I could go back to that happy momment when I thought that my last days would be surrounded by grandchildren. It is not to be. The Fates have frowned upon us and given us a harsh blow thats knocked us over helpless. again. This time I fear I will not rise again. I can no longer feel my body. It seems as if I am looking on the outside. It doesn't feel like reality at all. You must be wondering why I am so suddenly changed. Victor came back distraught and bore the most horrible news. Elizabeth is gone. Where? She has joined my dear Caroline and William. How? The terrible creature no doubt, made good on his promise and ended her blooming life.I feel so faint, as if a simple weak breeze will knock me over. I am not myself. I feel life slipping from me as I write these words. In fact, everything I just wrote make no sense at all. You must pardon me dear reader. I must call Victor. I still do not blame him even if it was this creature who caused all this grief. This is the last time I will write in this blog. The last time I write at all. I hope Victor can forgive me for leaving him, but it's just too hard to keep holding on. Victor is here at last. Goodbye Ernest and Victor. I love you guys so much. I will see you in the afterlife.
I see a light, and it is so beautiful....
Awww...I feel sad for Alphonse. I was all happy reading the first post and then the second post was all tragic. But your posts were overall stunning. I love how you used such descriptive phrases and how you added the nice dramatic effect in the end. I loved it.
Don't go into the light!!!! Wonderful job! This sounds like words from a loving father. To me it seems that you really got into charater. I loved it.
Interesting how you took his death to be joyous. I thought he would've been sad leaving his son behind. Especially for the fact that Victor has recently lost everything. Very interesting.. haha. Great job though! Very GT. :]
I know this is going to kind of sound weird, but I can picture you saying some of these things. It's like you gave the character their own personality but threw some of yourself in there with it. Awesome possum job:)
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